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Ad ID: 1685
Added: February 3, 2021
Location: United States
State: Texas
Views: 302
Welcome to DFW Gujarati Samaj
DFW Gujarati Samaj was founded in 1991. The goal of our Non-Profit organization is to unite and serve all Gujarati communities living in DFW metroplex and to promote and preserve our heritage and language, and bring cultural awareness to future generations by providing a platform to all Gujarati community while serving the community needs.
The charitable, social and religious activities developed steadily through the past 30+ years and the group cohesiveness of our past and present executive committee members and Board of Trustees along with many volunteers have culminated in a strong and vibrant Gujarati cultural organization. As we continue our progress in 21st century, the foundation of Charitable work and social adaptiveness set forth by our previous executive committee members, has strengthen our resolve and made us proud of our cultural heritage.
Gujarati Samaj has operated several charitable, social and religious services for the community and youth organization in the DFW metroplex.
Charitable services such as having medical camp to help the poor people with their health related issues, raising money to help people who have suffered because of earthquake, donating money and food to North Texas Food Bank, donating masks to local hospitals, donating money to “Irving cares’ for the people of Irving, assisting other non-profit organizations benefiting Children’s hospital and giving financial assistance to poor students.
Social activities include but not limited to: Yearly Cultural dance (Garba, Raas), Gujarati Drama (Plays), Lok Sangeet (Small Concerts), Ponk Party & festival celebration such as, Uttarayan (Kite Festival).
Religious activities include but not limited to Holi & Navratri celebrations at various temples in DFW metroplex.
Going forward, our organization understands the plight of our citizens in terms of their financial needs, their health and well-being and also the technological hegemony which are abstruse for our senior citizens in their daily life. As an organization, we help alleviate those problems through proactive sustainability initiatives such as financial donations to various non-profit organizations, free health camps, well-being awareness classes, social activities and managing interpersonal dynamics of our community when needed.
With the help of every Gujarati member in our community, our goals and aspirations can become a reality. We encourage each and every Gujarati family to participate in the ongoing charitable, social and religious activities to help our community.
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